Gert Kriening, Hensoldt​ Optronics

»Kreutz & Part­ner sup­ports us in iden­ti­fy­ing new are­as of appli­ca­ti­on for our tech­no­lo­gies in com­plex tech­ni­cal mar­kets. Based on the chal­lenges of poten­ti­al users and cus­to­mers, K&P was able to iden­ti­fy are­as in which we should...

Dan Bronkal, Bosch Car Services

»The con­sul­tants from Kreutz & Part­ner gave us a gre­at deal of sup­port in taking a holi­stic view of the pro­ject, sha­ping our ide­as and crea­ting an over­all pic­tu­re. With this basis, we were able to defi­ne a struc­tu­red approach to achie­ving...

Christian Feix, Hensoldt

»On our way into the civil mar­ket, Kreutz & Part­ner made the enti­re mar­ket trans­pa­rent for us. Kreutz & Part­ner show­ed us a struc­tu­red way to make our pro­ject a suc­cess. We will con­ti­nue to rely on K&P as our part­ner on our way into new...

Bernhard Doerstel, ABB international

»Kreutz & Partner’s prag­ma­tic sup­port in the prac­ti­cal appli­ca­ti­on of agi­le and user-ori­en­ted pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment methods made it easy for us to trans­fer this metho­do­lo­gy to our day-to-day...