Logo Kreutz & Partner weiß


From input to impact –
With insights from your
customers to market success.

We sup­port com­pa­nies in all pha­ses of pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment — from mar­ket rese­arch to mar­ket go-live. As con­sul­tants, crea­tors and developers.

Logo Kreutz & Partner weiß


From input to impact –
With insights from your customers
to market success.

We sup­port com­pa­nies in all pha­ses of pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment — from mar­ket rese­arch to mar­ket go-live. As con­sul­tants, crea­tors and developers.

Customer focus
that pays off

In an incre­asing­ly fast-moving world, cus­to­mer pro­xi­mi­ty is the decisi­ve suc­cess fac­tor. With our tried-and-tes­ted metho­do­lo­gi­cal buil­ding blocks, we ensu­re 100% cus­to­mer-cen­tric pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment in which every detail is tail­o­red to the requi­re­ments of your tar­get group. In this way, we work with you to crea­te tail­or-made pro­ducts and ser­vices that are not only mar­ke­ta­ble but also market-leading.

In this way, we work with you to crea­te cus­to­mi­zed pro­ducts and ser­vices that are not only mar­ke­ta­ble but also market-leading.

Our Process of
successful Product

Market Research
& Customer Survey

If you want to be suc­cessful in a mar­ket, you need to know it bet­ter than your com­pe­ti­tors. We ana­ly­ze your tar­get mar­kets and tar­get groups for you and pro­vi­de you with pre­cise insights into the spe­ci­fic needs of your cus­to­mers and the best pos­si­ble posi­tio­ning in rela­ti­on to your competitors.

  • Mar­ket Ana­ly­ses & Trend Research
  • Online Sur­veys
  • Qua­li­ta­ti­ve cus­to­mer and expert inter­views (onsite & remote)
  • Focus group discussions
  • Cus­to­mer sur­veys at the POS
  • Acqui­si­ti­on of test cus­to­mers for the enti­re deve­lo­p­ment process

Have we aroused your interest?

Book a free initi­al con­sul­ta­ti­on now and find out how we can work tog­e­ther to crea­te solu­ti­ons that are pre­cis­e­ly tail­o­red to your cus­to­mers’ needs.

Portfolio Analysis
& ‑Optimization

A pro­duct port­fo­lio is never finis­hed. Mar­kets and peo­p­le chan­ge — and with them the needs that pro­ducts have to ful­fill. Based on mar­ket data, expert inter­views and cus­to­mer sur­veys, we sup­port you in put­ting your port­fo­lio back on the road to suc­cess. We also help you to make your inter­nal port­fo­lio manage­ment more cus­to­mer-cen­tric in the long term.

  • 360° ana­ly­sis of your port­fo­lio (mar­ket data, inter­views, derivation)
  • IP scan: ana­ly­sis of com­pe­ti­tor patent appli­ca­ti­ons for the tar­get segment
  • Advice and sup­port for cus­to­mer-cen­tric port­fo­lio streamlining
  • Sup­port in the cus­to­mer-cen­tric opti­miza­ti­on of your inter­nal port­fo­lio manage­ment processes

Try now!

With our Port­fo­lio Quick Check, we offer you a cost-fri­end­ly intro­duc­to­ry offer that pro­vi­des you with an initi­al assess­ment of the health of your port­fo­lio, inclu­ding a rudi­men­ta­ry com­pe­ti­ti­ve ana­ly­sis, within 24 hours.

& Validation  

It does­n’t start with a pro­duct idea, but with a cus­to­mer need. We help you to sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly deve­lop solu­ti­ons that meet the requi­re­ments of your tar­get groups bet­ter than the com­pe­ti­ti­on. By incor­po­ra­ting (test) cus­to­mer feed­back into every deve­lo­p­ment pha­se, we ensu­re that every deve­lo­p­ment step is hea­ding in the right direc­tion right from the start.

  • Con­cep­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of design thin­king work­shops for the sys­te­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of ideas
  • Qua­li­ta­ti­ve & quan­ti­ta­ti­ve cus­to­mer sur­veys to vali­da­te ideas

Test it!

With the Ide­a­ti­on Test­sprint, we offer you a free intro­duc­to­ry packa­ge to get to know the effec­ti­ve­ness of our methods in a prac­ti­cal way: Within one working week, we deve­lop a cus­to­mi­zed pro­duct idea for your mar­ket seg­ment, which you only have to pay for if you want to use the idea for your company.

Product Development

Agi­le pro­ject manage­ment frame­works such as Scrum gua­ran­tee a con­sis­tent cus­to­mer focus in the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess and ensu­re a high level of pro­duc­ti­ve crea­ti­vi­ty. We sup­port you in uti­li­zing the advan­ta­ges of agi­le pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment for your company.

  • Intro­duc­to­ry work­shops on agi­le frame­works, roles and methods
  • Advice on put­ting tog­e­ther and struc­tu­ring agi­le teams
  • Initi­al sup­port of the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess by agi­le coaches
  • On request: take­over of the enti­re deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess by our inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry inte­rim teams (incl. pro­duct owner)

Have we aroused your interest?

Book a free initi­al con­sul­ta­ti­on now and find out how we can work tog­e­ther to crea­te solu­ti­ons that are pre­cis­e­ly tail­o­red to your cus­to­mers’ needs. 


Agi­le pro­duc­tion makes it pos­si­ble to react fle­xi­bly to chan­ging cus­to­mer requi­re­ments and offers manu­fac­tu­ring com­pa­nies a decisi­ve mar­ket advan­ta­ge. By imple­men­ting agi­le methods, we help you to meet chan­ging cus­to­mer requi­re­ments more quick­ly than your com­pe­ti­tors in the future. This not only makes your pro­duc­tion more respon­si­ve, but also gives your com­pa­ny a real com­pe­ti­ti­ve advantage.

  • Work­shops and trai­ning on agi­le manu­fac­tu­ring practices
  • Sta­tus quo ana­ly­sis of your cur­rent pro­ces­ses & optimization
  • Sup­port with the intro­duc­tion of agi­le manu­fac­tu­ring practices

Customer focus
that pays off

In an incre­asing­ly fast-moving world, cus­to­mer pro­xi­mi­ty is the decisi­ve suc­cess fac­tor. With our tried-and-tes­ted metho­do­lo­gi­cal buil­ding blocks, we ensu­re 100% cus­to­mer-cen­tric pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment in which every detail is tail­o­red to the requi­re­ments of your tar­get group. In this way, we work with you to crea­te tail­or-made pro­ducts and ser­vices that are not only mar­ke­ta­ble but also market-leading.

In this way, we work with you to crea­te cus­to­mi­zed pro­ducts and ser­vices that are not only mar­ke­ta­ble but also market-leading.

Market Research
& Customer Survey

If you want to be suc­cessful in a mar­ket, you need to know it bet­ter than your com­pe­ti­tors. We ana­ly­ze your tar­get mar­kets and tar­get groups for you and pro­vi­de you with pre­cise insights into the spe­ci­fic needs of your cus­to­mers and the best pos­si­ble posi­tio­ning in rela­ti­on to your competitors.

  • Mar­ket Ana­ly­ses & Trend Research
  • Online Sur­veys
  • Qua­li­ta­ti­ve cus­to­mer and expert inter­views (onsite & remote)
  • Focus group discussions
  • Cus­to­mer sur­veys at the POS
  • Acqui­si­ti­on of test cus­to­mers for the enti­re deve­lo­p­ment process

Have we aroused your interest?

Book a free initi­al con­sul­ta­ti­on now and find out how we can work tog­e­ther to crea­te solu­ti­ons that are pre­cis­e­ly tail­o­red to your cus­to­mers’ needs.

Portfolio Analysis
& ‑Optimization

A pro­duct port­fo­lio is never finis­hed. Mar­kets and peo­p­le chan­ge — and with them the needs that pro­ducts have to ful­fill. Based on mar­ket data, expert inter­views and cus­to­mer sur­veys, we sup­port you in put­ting your port­fo­lio back on the road to suc­cess. We also help you to make your inter­nal port­fo­lio manage­ment more cus­to­mer-cen­tric in the long term.

  • 360° ana­ly­sis of your port­fo­lio (mar­ket data, inter­views, derivation)
  • IP scan: ana­ly­sis of com­pe­ti­tor patent appli­ca­ti­ons for the tar­get segment
  • Advice and sup­port for cus­to­mer-cen­tric port­fo­lio streamlining
  • Sup­port in the cus­to­mer-cen­tric opti­miza­ti­on of your inter­nal port­fo­lio manage­ment processes

Try now!

With our Port­fo­lio Quick Check, we offer you a cost-fri­end­ly intro­duc­to­ry offer that pro­vi­des you with an initi­al assess­ment of the health of your port­fo­lio, inclu­ding a rudi­men­ta­ry com­pe­ti­ti­ve ana­ly­sis, within 24 hours.

& Validation  

It does­n’t start with a pro­duct idea, but with a cus­to­mer need. We help you to sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly deve­lop solu­ti­ons that meet the requi­re­ments of your tar­get groups bet­ter than the com­pe­ti­ti­on. By incor­po­ra­ting (test) cus­to­mer feed­back into every deve­lo­p­ment pha­se, we ensu­re that every deve­lo­p­ment step is hea­ding in the right direc­tion right from the start.

  • Con­cep­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of design thin­king work­shops for the sys­te­ma­tic gene­ra­ti­on of ideas
  • Qua­li­ta­ti­ve & quan­ti­ta­ti­ve cus­to­mer sur­veys to vali­da­te ideas

Test it!

With the Ide­a­ti­on Test­sprint, we offer you a free intro­duc­to­ry packa­ge to get to know the effec­ti­ve­ness of our methods in a prac­ti­cal way: Within one working week, we deve­lop a cus­to­mi­zed pro­duct idea for your mar­ket seg­ment, which you only have to pay for if you want to use the idea for your company.


Product Development

Agi­le pro­ject manage­ment frame­works such as Scrum gua­ran­tee a con­sis­tent cus­to­mer focus in the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess and ensu­re a high level of pro­duc­ti­ve crea­ti­vi­ty. We sup­port you in uti­li­zing the advan­ta­ges of agi­le pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment for your company.

  • Intro­duc­to­ry work­shops on agi­le frame­works, roles and methods
  • Advice on put­ting tog­e­ther and struc­tu­ring agi­le teams
  • Initi­al sup­port of the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess by agi­le coaches
  • On request: take­over of the enti­re deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess by our inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry inte­rim teams (incl. pro­duct owner)

Have we aroused your interest?

Book a free initi­al con­sul­ta­ti­on now and find out how we can work tog­e­ther to crea­te solu­ti­ons that are pre­cis­e­ly tail­o­red to your cus­to­mers’ needs. 


Agi­le pro­duc­tion makes it pos­si­ble to react fle­xi­bly to chan­ging cus­to­mer requi­re­ments and offers manu­fac­tu­ring com­pa­nies a decisi­ve mar­ket advan­ta­ge. By imple­men­ting agi­le methods, we help you to meet chan­ging cus­to­mer requi­re­ments more quick­ly than your com­pe­ti­tors in the future. This not only makes your pro­duc­tion more respon­si­ve, but also gives your com­pa­ny a real com­pe­ti­ti­ve advantage.

  • Work­shops and trai­ning on agi­le manu­fac­tu­ring practices
  • Sta­tus quo ana­ly­sis of your cur­rent pro­ces­ses & optimization
  • Sup­port with the intro­duc­tion of agi­le manu­fac­tu­ring practices

Satisfied customers
through customer centricity

»Kreutz & Part­ner sup­ports us in iden­ti­fy­ing new are­as of appli­ca­ti­on for our tech­no­lo­gies in com­plex tech­ni­cal mar­kets. Based on the chal­lenges of poten­ti­al users and cus­to­mers, K&P was able to iden­ti­fy are­as in which we should posi­ti­on our­sel­ves in the future. This has enab­led us to work with future users and cus­to­mers on new pro­duct ide­as. We can also uti­li­se the pro­cess model and metho­do­lo­gi­cal know­ledge gai­ned from this col­la­bo­ra­ti­on for other pro­jects in the future and the­r­e­fo­re want to rely on K&P’s sup­port for pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment in the long term.«
Gert Kriening 
Head of Indus­tri­al Solutions  Hen­soldt Optronics 
»The con­sul­tants from Kreutz & Part­ner gave us a gre­at deal of sup­port in taking a holi­stic view of the pro­ject, sha­ping our ide­as and crea­ting an over­all pic­tu­re. With this basis, we were able to defi­ne a struc­tu­red approach to achie­ving our goals.«
Dan Bronkal 
Direc­tor Sales Work­shop Con­cepts and Services  Bosch Car Services 
»On our way into the civil mar­ket, Kreutz & Part­ner made the enti­re mar­ket trans­pa­rent for us. Kreutz & Part­ner show­ed us a struc­tu­red way to make our pro­ject a suc­cess. We will con­ti­nue to rely on K&P as our part­ner on our way into new mar­kets in the future.«
Chris­ti­an Feix 
Pro­jekt Manager  Hensoldt 

»Kreutz & Partner’s prag­ma­tic sup­port in the prac­ti­cal appli­ca­ti­on of agi­le and user-ori­en­ted pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment methods made it easy for us to trans­fer this metho­do­lo­gy to our day-to-day deve­lo­p­ment work.«

Bern­hard Doerstel 
Pro­dukt Management  ABB international 

Satisfied customers
through customer centricity

»Kreutz & Part­ner sup­ports us in iden­ti­fy­ing new are­as of appli­ca­ti­on for our tech­no­lo­gies in com­plex tech­ni­cal mar­kets. Based on the chal­lenges of poten­ti­al users and cus­to­mers, K&P was able to iden­ti­fy are­as in which we should posi­ti­on our­sel­ves in the future. This has enab­led us to work with future users and cus­to­mers on new pro­duct ide­as. We can also uti­li­se the pro­cess model and metho­do­lo­gi­cal know­ledge gai­ned from this col­la­bo­ra­ti­on for other pro­jects in the future and the­r­e­fo­re want to rely on K&P’s sup­port for pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment in the long term.«
Gert Kriening 
Head of Indus­tri­al Solutions  Hen­soldt Optronics 
»The con­sul­tants from Kreutz & Part­ner gave us a gre­at deal of sup­port in taking a holi­stic view of the pro­ject, sha­ping our ide­as and crea­ting an over­all pic­tu­re. With this basis, we were able to defi­ne a struc­tu­red approach to achie­ving our goals.«
Dan Bronkal 
Direc­tor Sales Work­shop Con­cepts and Services  Bosch Car Services 
»On our way into the civil mar­ket, Kreutz & Part­ner made the enti­re mar­ket trans­pa­rent for us. Kreutz & Part­ner show­ed us a struc­tu­red way to make our pro­ject a suc­cess. We will con­ti­nue to rely on K&P as our part­ner on our way into new mar­kets in the future.«
Chris­ti­an Feix 
Pro­jekt Manager  Hensoldt 

»Kreutz & Partner’s prag­ma­tic sup­port in the prac­ti­cal appli­ca­ti­on of agi­le and user-ori­en­ted pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment methods made it easy for us to trans­fer this metho­do­lo­gy to our day-to-day deve­lo­p­ment work.«

Bern­hard Doerstel 
Pro­dukt Management  ABB international 

Book a free

Let’s talk about your cur­rent chal­lenges in pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment and find a sui­ta­ble solu­ti­on together.

Choo­se your per­so­nal appoint­ment now!